Thursday, February 27, 2020

Analysis of Leadership and Motivation Research Paper

Analysis of Leadership and Motivation - Research Paper Example Also, I will plan my leadership strategy based on the findings of the evaluation and corresponding motivational methods. Evaluation of Personality Traits In order to evaluate the personality traits of 4 members in my team, first I will identify the personality types they belong to. As there is no one solution fits all personality types, I will be using the following 3 different personality type classifications understand their personality. Also sometimes, employees can show mixed personalities and hence the one that best suits will be used in making decisions. 1. Rye’s four personality types, namely, Power Player, Party Player, Team Players and Diplomatic Players (Rye, 1998). 2. Personality types based on social dimensions, namely, Drivers, Analytical, Amiable and Expressive (Orridge, 2009). 3. Holland’s six personality types: Realistic, Conventional, Enterprising, Social, Artistic and Investigative (Woods & West, 2010). Following is the evaluation of the four members i n my team: Ambrose H: Ambrose shows traits that are close to the personality types of Driver-Analytical and Realistic. Drivers are task-oriented, workaholics and results oriented. They place a very high priority on completing the task in hand. They are very efficient and good team players. Analytical on the other hand is very structured and organized with the focus being on task and details. They are very punctual and they are not comfortable approaching people. They do everything by the book (Fairley, 2011). Ambrose is also realistic as his personality characteristics match those of a realistic. Personality characteristics of a realistic are practical, uninvolved, stable, materialistic, genuine and shy (Kleynhans et al., 2009). Jackie M: Jackie is in complete contrast to Ambrose. Jackie’s personality types match closely to those of an expressive, team player and a social. Jackie is friendly, understanding, idealistic, sociable and kind. These personality characteristics make him a social. His characteristics are also closely related to that of an expressive. Expressive is overly enthusiastic and outgoing. They always try to create involvement and excitement in others and volunteer themselves to all activities (Bolton & Bolton, 2009). They are fun-loving, talkative and excitable. They are socializing but aren’t completion oriented. In a hurry to finish their jobs, they tend to make mistakes. Jackie is also a team player. Whenever there is extra work team players are always the first to volunteer. They tend to make others happy and are open to suggestions. They do not mind being told that they are wrong. Simon H: Simon is very different from both Jackie and Ambrose. Being the most experienced member of the team, he is very knowledgeable but does not share the same enthusiastic level as Jackie or the desire to perfection as Ambrose. The personality type of Simon matches that of a conventional, diplomatic and analytical. As all analytical Simon is v ery knowledgeable and task-oriented but he is not organized or structured (Huczynski, 2004). Most of Simon’s characteristics are in close match with a conventional. Following are the common personality characteristics of a convention that Simon shares: practical, inflexible, efficient and prudish. Simon is also a diplomat. Diplomats are quiet, independent individuals.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


THE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP AND HIGH PERFORMANCE (HRM) SYSTEMS ON PATIENT SAFETY MEDIATING BY ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE IN SAUDI HOSPITALS - Thesis Example lted in hospitals beginning to provide integrated health care services which was qualitatively made even better through technological adaptations (Lighter and Fair, 2004, p.7). As the hospitals grew in size, capital and functions, a considerable work force began to get aligned with it resulting in a scope and need for applying management and human resource concepts and frameworks into them (Hernandez, 2009, p.4). This was also a result of health service as a sector being highly â€Å"labor intensive† (Hernandez, 2009, p.4). It is this evolving work environment in health care sector that is transforming all its outcomes including patient safety (Ngo, Foley and Loi, 2009, p.668). This evolving work environment is what constitutes organizational climate of a health service organization and it is â€Å"the frame of reference through which individuals (workers) make sense of organizational life† in a health care facility (Ngo, Foley and Loi, 2009, p.668). Hence, organizational climate can be viewed as one of the most important mediating element in patient safety (Walston, Al-Omar and Al-Mutari, 2008, p.35). This mediation happens through human resource management. Though there can be many aspects to human resource management that can lead to patient safety, this study envisages focusing on two specific elements of it, namely, leadership and high performance work systems (HPWS). The research done so far in this area have mostly generated data on how leadership and HPWS help build an organizational climate suitable for patient safety (Richardson and Storr, 2010; Stewart and Usher, 2010; Combs et al., 2007). Yet, these studies have also pointed to the lack of sufficient investigation being made into the whole process that starts with leadership and work force, evolves through organizational climate and arrives at desirable level of patient safety. This literature review envisages weighing the opposing arguments on the role of high performance work systems and leadership in